Monday, 19 October 2015

Enable EXIF rotation for geeqie on openSUSE

I found that while I could rotate a JPEG image from the Edit > Orientation menu, I could not Apply Orientation to Image Content. For this extra programs are required. For JPEG it is exiftran, so I installed that package. For other image formats other packages might be required.

However that by itself is not enough, because geeqie uses a desktop spec file and a helper script to do the rotation for a variety of image types. In the desktop spec file, the helper script is specified as geeqie-rotate. Unfortunately this is in /usr/lib/geeqie and not on the search path.

My solution was to make symlinks from /usr/lib/geeqie/* to /usr/local/bin so that the desktop spec file could invoke the helper script.

Now I can easily fix up those vertical pictures generated by a camera without an orientation sensor.