I have a Samba share which contains music files which I want to play on my tablet (but could also be a Windows desktop). The colon is perfectly valid in Linux filenames and is used a lot in MP3 filenames. On the client side it falls back to DOS mapping because the colon is not legal in Windows filenames. So it's impossible to see what the song is. Here is how you can make the displayed names more readable.
Add these lines to smb.conf, either in the global or a share section:
vfs objects = catia
catia:mappings = 0x22:0xa8,0x2a:0xa4,0x2f:0xf8,0x3a:0xf7,0x3c:0xab,0x3e:
And for good measure:
mangled names = no
Those changes map problematic characters to extended characters. For example colon : is now displayed as the division sign ÷ It's not ideal but at least you can read the filenames now.