Thursday 8 April 2010

Access modem web admin page from inside IPCop protected LAN

I recently installed an ADSL2+ modem for a client. The previous ADSL1 modem had been setup by the ISP many years ago. Nowadays it's bring your own modem.

I used a patch cable to access the modem at the factory address then put it in place as a transparent bridge in front of IPCop. I remembered that there was a trick to allow internal machines to access the web interface of the modem in its final position but it wasn't until later that I worked it out.

First of all, IPCop's eth1 needs to be on the same subnet as the modem. On a PPPoE interface on IPCop, the assigned IP address is The exact address is irrelevant to the PPPoE discovery process, but it isn't one that can access the modem. We can either hack the PPPoE script to assign one that suits us, like I preferred to leave that alone and instead assign an additional IP address to eth1, like this:

ip addr add dev eth1 

This by itself is not enough, because packets intended for from internal machines  will reach the modem, but the packets from the modem have no way to get back to the web browser. All we need is a masquerade rule in iptables, similar to the one that handles the NAT for traffic with the outside.

iptables -t nat -A REDNAT -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

And that's it. These were the two lines I put in /etc/rc.d/rc.local. If you go to from an inside machine, you get the modem's web admin page.

Adjust the IP addresses to suit your modem of course. Of course, if your LAN has the subnet then you would have to change the modem's address first. Personally I don't understand people who, when they have a choice, use common subnets like or for their SOHO LANs. One of these days they will want a VPN with another LAN, and then... There are vast address spaces in and for the taking.

In some other tutes on the web you will see another method suggested and that is to establish a ssh forwarding to the modem. This has the advantage that you can control who gets access to modem admin page by who has ssh login on IPCop, assuming you don't trust the modem's login dialog to restrict access. The problem is that the default configuration of IPCop these days disallows ssh forwarding at the IPCop's sshd and you have to enable that by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and enabling AllowTcpForwarding.

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